International Journal of Green Tourism Research and Applications is focused on green tourism research and applications. Its scope covers philosophies, ideologies, theories, science and technology, practices, and applications of responsible, sustainable, and green tourism; eco-, natural, and village/rural tourism; cultural, religious, and alternative tourism; community-based tourism; all travel, tourism, and hospitality businesses and tourist activities which are or have to be ecologically/environmentally and socio-culturally friendly. 

Published by Politeknik Negeri Bali and managed by Master Program of Tourism Business Planning in June and December, International Journal of Green Tourism Research and Applications is a double-blind peer-reviewed electronic journal. It is intended to develop tourism maintaining harmony among ecological/environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and socio-cultural sustainability for the planet and natural conservation, tourist satisfaction, benefits of the business itself, welfare of the community involved as well as respect for the existing local cultural values and better living for all.

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