Studi Persepsi Karyawan terhadap Pelaksanaan Heartist Training di Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel

  • Wayan Edi Arsawan Politeknik Negeri Bali


Abstrak. Pelatihan karyawan membantu perusahaan dan karyawan dalam meningkatkan kinerja. Heartist training merupakan bagian dari cultural transformation training yang dilaksanakan pada seluruh hotel dibawah naungan Accor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti persepsi karyawan mengenai program pelatihan heartist di Hotel Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua. Dalam penelitian ini, data diambil dari 86 orang karyawan dari Hotel Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua melalui kuesioner terstruktur dan kemudian dianalisis dengan metode statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian konsisten dengan penelitian terdahulu. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa heartist training memiliki korelasi yang kuat dengan persepsi karyawan (r = 0,738), sementara hasil t-test menyatakan bahwa pelatihan heartist memberikan efek yang signifikan dan positif terhadap persepsi karyawan. Selain itu, hasil dari analisis statistik deskriptif juga menunjukan angka 69%, yang mana memperlihatkan bahwa persepsi karyawan mengenai pelaksanaan pelatihan heartist di Hotel Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua adalah pelatihan telah berjalan dengan baik dan efektif.


Kata kunci: heartist training, persepsi karyawan, Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel.


Abstract. Employees training help companies as well as employees to improve their performance. Heartist training is a part of cultural transformation training that carried out in every hotels under Accor. The purpose of this paper is to study the employees’ perception about Heartist training program in Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel. In this research, the data was collected from 86 employees of Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel through a structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of this research are consistent with the previous studies. This study reveals that Heartist training has a strong correlation with employees’ perception (r = 0,738), while the conducted t-test concluded that Heartist training gave a significant and positive effect upon employees perception. On top of that, the result of the statistic descriptive analysis was 69%, which concluded that the perception of the employees towards the training in Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua is that the training has been carried out well and effectively.


Keywords: Heartist training, employees’ perception, Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel.


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Jul 29, 2019
How to Cite
ARSAWAN, Wayan Edi. Studi Persepsi Karyawan terhadap Pelaksanaan Heartist Training di Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel. Jurnal Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, [S.l.], v. 15, n. 2, p. 114 - 119, july 2019. ISSN 2580-5614. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi: